Thursday, September 20, 2012

Random Thoughts

Sitting quiet, as I remembered the last some days, it gets confusing to understand whether things have been wrong or right. Sacrificed some small happiness just for the sake of others, brought distances within certain relations to ensure that they can grow even without me, and still as I look at them I feel they are incomplete but they never agree to it.

So I finally sat to decide if efforts are really needed to get a relation going. I started scrutinizing almost all important people around me who have been my support and best of the best buddies, same age group and different too, elder and young, good and bad, ugly and beautiful, close and far.... 

As I thought about the various moments spent with them, the innumerable seconds of my life, the time I took to understand them and vice-versa, I actually summed to one decision that finally becomes a learning for me....

"Whatever be the person and situations, if he/she wants to be in your life, there will be a effortless, auto-going relation amidst them. No Worries, No questions and hence No giving Answers because they accept you as what YOU are, rather WHO you are..



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